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The Old Curiosity Shop
Level: pre-intermediate
Genre: novel
Length: long
English: british
Like many other novels of Charles Dickens, there is a child in the thick of things. This work is less known compared to his other books, but it is no way inferior to them in sincerity and depth. The most unexpected things happen to the girl Nell. She has a grandfather. Lately her grandpa often goes somewhere at nights. From time to time, he is very generous and talkative. He tells Nell about a big fortune she will get after his death. Every now and then, her grandfather is sad and quiet. After his night walks, he sleeps in the armchair behind the counter of their shop. Recently Nell’s elder brother came to the shop to talk to grandfather. He shouted at him and threatened to disclose his secret. Brother keeps a very bad lifestyle and tries to get grandfather’s money using blackmail. It makes Nell upset, but she still loves her family.
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